“Putting Assistance back into Directory Assistance”
DirectDA Search Definitions
Standard Search | Definition |
Name, City, State | Input name, city, state returns name, address & telephone number for all listings that matched the criteria |
Telephone/Reverse | Input 10 digit phone number returns name and address for all listings that matched the criteria |
Zip Code | Input name and zip code (5 digits) returns name, address and telephone for all listings that matched the criteria |
Area Code | Input name and area code returns name, address and telephone number for all listings that match the criteria |
Specialty Searches | |
Address | Input street name, house number, city, state returns name, address, and telephone number for all listings that matched the criteria |
State | Input name and state returns name, address and telephone number for all listings that matched the criteria |
Business Keyword | Input business name or keyword(s), city and state returns name, address and telephone number for all listings that contain the criteria |
YP Category | Input the business category, city and state returns business name, address and telephone number for all listings that match the criteria |
Nearby Address | Input street name, lower house number, higher house number, city, state, returns name, address and telephone number for all listings that matched the criteria |
National | Input name returns name, address and telephone number for all listings that matched the criteria |